Evgeny Morozov and the Perils of "Highbrow Journalism"
Geert Lovink
2014-10-14 10:17:29 UTC
Dear nettimers,

did anyone of you follow this story? What's behind all this? I suppose Morozov is human and makes mistakes. He is part of the mainstream media landscape and has to deliver his journalistic pieces in order to stay into these circles. That's when one starts to make mistakes after a while, I suppose. As a journalist it would be easier to forgive him copying without attribution (even though he mentioned the author in this case). The problem is: Morozov is a very visible public intellectual, a critic, and maybe soon even an academic (after he has gone through the longish American PhD ritual). Morozov is the most wellknown and visible net critic, let's face it. He is a self-kicker and a loner, and that's his choice. It is part of his post-soviet image of isolated East-European dissident that liv
es in a totalitarian regime (in this case Silicon Valley), unable to connect to other likeminded people. Like many critics he loves to make enemies, in particular amongst his (potential/former) alli
es, who he loves to alienate. That's his nihilist impuls: finally the entire world conspires against Morozov. A moment he's been waiting for. Time to turn paranoid. Will this scandal be the beginning of his downfall? In whose interest? I do not believe it is about plagiarism. It could be about organized envy. Is it part of the inevitable self-destruction logic that the global infotainment industries imposes on all its celebs? The higher you fly, the deeper you fall? Can young net or tech critics see through this old media trick and become immune to the short-lifespam logic that lures them to be burned up before turning 30?

Best, Geert

ps. the name of the blog is interesting in this respect: Taming the Idol.



An Unresolved Issue: Evgeny Morozov, The New Yorker, and the Perils of "Highbrow Journalism"

Last week, The New Yorker published its October 13 issue. It contained an "A Critic at Large" piece by Evgeny Morozov, titled "The Planning Machine: Project Cybersyn and the Origins of the Big Data Nation."

Within a few days, historians were chatting. Something was wrong. Morozov's essay clearly borrowed heavily from Eden Medina's book, Cybernetic Revolutionaries: Technology and Politics in Allende's Chile, a book that every reader should buy right now. Indeed, Morozov's essay was ostensibly a review of that book. Yet, Morozov only once mentioned Medina, who is a professor at Indiana University, and the mention came well into his text. To add insult to injury, citation was glancing at best: "As Eden Medina shows in 'Cybernetic Revolutionaries,' her entertaining history of Project Cybersyn, [Stafford] Beer set out to solve an acute dilemma that Allende faced." The placement of the mention as well as its wording could and did give many readers the impression that all of the ideas and the work t
hat went into the essay were Morozov's, but they weren't.

Historians of technology, especially experts in computer history, and other scholars were angry. They took to Twitter and other social media platforms to draw attention to the situation and shame Morozov for his behavior. On the mailing list of SIGCIS, the world's foremost organization of computer historians, members hashed out the ethical lapses of Morozov's essay. Talk on the SIGCIS list became increasingly heated. On Twitter, Meryl Alper, a PhD candidate in Communication at USC's Annenberg School, pointed out that there was an additional irony: Medina's "work highlights power imbalances in knowledge production and circulation." In the Medina-Morozov situation, we have a well-known tech critic (Morozov) and a powerful periodical (The New Yorker) borrowing heavily from a young, female pro
fessor's work without due recognition. Don't mind her. She's merely "entertaining."

At some point during the week, Janet Browne, a professor in Harvard University's History of Science department (where Morozov is currently a graduate student), wrote the executive committee of SIGCIS. She asked its leaders to remove two posts from its "blog" that alleged plagiarism on Morozov's part. Furthermore, she claimed that the issue was "now resolved," that no one had found evidence of plagiarism, and that the paucity of citations to Medina's work was fitting with the genre of "highbrow journalism."

The mailing list isn't a blog, so there was nothing to be done there, but the issue of plagiarism is a difficult and murky one. I have not alleged that Morozov plagiarized, and I have had questions for anyone who has made that claim. But plagiarism has several definitions. The most narrow definition focuses only on the direct borrowing of language. I haven't seen anyone claim that Morozov's essay did that. Yet broader definitions of plagiarism include borrowing from an author's argument and research without proper attribution, and it is understandable that some people feel that the Medina-Morozov affair is a case of plagiarism (even if we ultimately believe that such feelings are misplaced).

More troubling to me is the claim that this situation is "now resolved." It isn't. (After word of Janet Browne's communication was shared with the SIGCIS membership, one historian sent out an email to the list titled, "Nothing to See Here, Please Move Along . . . ") And I do not believe that we can invent new genres, like "highbrow journalism," to wiggle our way out of traditional ethical norms around writing. It is this issue that I want to focus on in this post because it is a real problem and it has every appearance of becoming a worse one.

At least since I entered graduate school in 2005, there has been increasing talk of and pressure for historians (and likely other academics) to write for mainstream publications and communicate via other popular media. For too long, the thinking goes, academics have been writing only for each other. It's time to reach out, to share our thinking with the general public. Blogs, Twitter, podcasts?so many tools have become a necessary part of the engaged academic's arsenal. And there is amazing stuff being done in the popular arena in the history of science and technology (HOST). NPR's Radiolab is probably the most famous case. But great pieces on HOST are also appearing at the Guardian, Slate, The Atlantic, and, yes, even The New Yorker.

But there's a question: what should historians produce for pop outlets? Academic historical works take years to research and write. You can pop one or two aspects of your research and maybe even write a book for a trade press, but in the end, if you want to produce regularly for popular venues, you are going to have to draw from other sources. Under such conditions, there is going to be a temptation to lean heavily on other people's work and present syntheses thereof.

Today, so much "news," online and elsewhere, is just rewritten postings of stories that were originally written elsewhere by others. In the first episode of the new television series, Gracepoint, a journalist character complains to her boss, "All I'm doing right now is polishing press releases." We live in a world of recycling. It would be sad if historians are willing to join others in forgetting ethical standards, especially ones about others' work and thoughts. It is a trend worth resisting.

Even before the Medina-Morozov case, we have already seen cases where pop writers have borrowed too heavily from academic historians. In September, Latif Nasser, who received his doctorate from the Harvard History of Science program, published a piece titled "Helen Keller and the Glove that Couldn't Hear" at The Atlantic. The article recounted the fascinating story of a visit at MIT between Helen Keller and Norbert Wiener, the "father of cybernetics." It's a good story, and Nasser's telling of it is clear and enticing. The problem was that the first version of it published did not make clear that it was almost wholly a retelling of Mara Mills' essay, "On Disability and Cybernetics: Helen Keller, and the Hearing Glove," which was published in the journal Differences. (Mills also got her P
hD from the Harvard History of Science program.)

One thing that separates the Mills-Nasser situation from the Medina-Morozov one, however, is that, as soon The Atlantic realized there was a problem, it responded.

It's worth pointing out, though, that some believe that there was still a real issue at hand.

The fact that Nasser and the editors of The Atlantic would use a scholar's research so cavalierly is troubling. Far more troubling is the response that so far has come from Morozov (hostility) and The New Yorker (to my knowledge, silence).

When scholars began questioning Morozov's essay on Twitter, Morozov went on the attack. He told Nathan Ensmenger, an influential computer historian and Medina's colleague as a professor at Indiana University, "As I said, you simply don't know what you are talking about." When Ensmenger suggested that maybe he (Ensmenger) needs to learn how to read a book review, Morozov responded, "Yeah, you do, actually."

Morozov's self-defense has been that The New Yorker's reviews, including "A Critic at Large" pieces, do not mention the authors and books that they are reviewing with great frequency. (In other words, a single mention gets the job done.) As Ensmenger and others have pointed out, though, a quick survey of New Yorker reviews, including "A Critic at Large" reviews, shows frequent mentions and, more important, early mentions of the works under review.

Moreover, Morozov wrote on Twitter "The main reason to mention the author more than once in that format is if you are arguing with them." Bull. See, for instance, Louis Menand's "The De Man Case," which is also "A Critic At Large" book review, in the March 24, 2014 issue of The New Yorker. Menand mentions the author he is reviewing, Evelyn Barish, early and often and in all kinds of circumstances. For example, "From what Barish found, it seems that this was wishful thinking." (Menand would have been a good person for Morozov to look to in writing his piece since Menand writes for the magazine and is a renowned scholar, as Morozov aspires to be.)

In response to people questioning his sourcing of Medina, Morozov put up a post on his Tumblr, titled "Some notes on my cybernetic socialism essay." He spent most of the piece describing all of the work he had done, which is utterly beside the point when it comes to proper attribution.

Yet, Morozov also admitted in his Tumblr post, "But it's a book review essay, and I do mention the book under review."

On his blog, Morozov writes, "It's probably not obvious to people who haven't read Medina's book AND all the materials that I've read but: I'm not actually drawing on her book when I'm summarizing quite a few things in my piece." True enough. But notice that, by definition, this makes Morozov nearly the only person on the planet who can judge when he was borrowing from Medina and when he was coming up with his own material. The fact is that his telling of the story was simply too close for scholars to tell it apart from Medina's. That's a problem, a problem avoided through citation.

Other historians have also suggested that Morozov drew on works that he did not cite at all, including Andrew Pickering's The Cybernetic Brain, which recounts the correspondence between Brian Eno and Stafford Beer, something that Morozov writes about in his essay. When the historian of computing, David C. Brock, a Senior Research Fellow at the Chemical Heritage Foundation, pushed Morozov on this point. Morozov replied, "Pickering's book was duly read when it came out and it failed to impress. Actually, I found it awful." Here, Morozov repeats a mistake that he also made in his Tumblr post, when he wrote, "Am I absolutely happy with Medina's book? No. In fact, I even have minor quibbles with it." We don't cite other authors because we agree or disagree with them but because the hard work th
ey have done has taught us something.

Moreover, we cite because it often becomes unclear what are our ideas and what are the ideas of those we have read. Here Morozov is not reassuring. After Morozov put up his Tumblr post explaining his essay, a fan asked him a question.

Almost every study I have ever seen shows that we tend to overestimate the accuracy of our memory (just as we overestimate our ability to "multitask"). Morozov asks concerned readers to trust his blessings.

I have some sympathy for Nasser and Morozov. I am hard at work on my first piece of historical writing for a popular magazine. I know how hard it is to keep things tight, get the flow right, and avoid weighing the text down with academic bullshit. But I also know how my piece draws on others' research. I will cite them. If an editor would not let me give credit where credit is due, I would walk away. At least I hope I would.

On Twitter, the historian Patrick McCray, a professor at University of California?Santa Barbara, began discussing the Medina-Morozov affair with the hashtag #faust. (About a year ago, McCray wrote an interesting blog post on Morozov, which included reflections on Morozov's relationship to academic norms.) #Faust is right. We live in a world full of intense pressures, and writers sometimes face Faustian bargains. What will we choose?

The fact remains that no matter how much archival research Evgeny Morozov did, his essay drew heavily on Eden Medina's fine and award-winning book, Cybernetic Revolutionaries, and he did not make that at all clear.

If what I have said above makes sense?and I would be more than happy to hear that I am wrong?this situation is not resolved. Any suggestion that it is resolved might be interpreted (perhaps misinterpreted) as an attempt to quash this controversy. This situation is unresolved, but there are straightforward steps to resolve it:

? Evgeny Morozov must apologize. Publicly. It doesn't matter if he didn't intend to do anything wrong. He did. His essay failed to properly acknowledge its sources. The placement and wording of his mention of Medina give readers a false impression. Morozov should make his sources clear in a written statement and confess his wrongs. His apology must be public because the damages that result from these kinds of violations go beyond the personal to the level of communities of inquiry and, ultimately, to the level of creative humanity. He also needs to drop his defensive, arrogant, and hostile attitude. Morozov's Twitter handle is "There are useful idiots. Look around." How might that worldview have contributed to this situation? Did he find Medina useful?

? The New Yorker has not responded in any formal way. It must. This situation is partly a result of faulty editing at the magazine. The online version of Morozov's essay should be edited with the proper notations that changes were made because of this ethical problem. The magazine should issue an apology and correction in print.

? Academics should begin a process of discernment about their relationship with journalism. We must consider what norms will guide us no matter where we are working. Some historians have said that they are going to teach the Medina-Morozov situation in their classes as a case of ethical violations. A few have even suggested that they will teach it as a plagiarism case. One historian claimed that we must go further and think about how we will handle our graduate students if they break such ethical codes.

To begin with, however, we scholars must speak out when we see these kinds of violations happening. The Medina-Morozov situation scares some people. I had a friend say, maybe partly in jest, that he didn't want to speak up because he is "terrified of the Harvard Mafia." Others have said that they have no desire to upset editors at The New Yorker. (Oh, dreams of publishing in The New Yorker, you dissipate with each passing word.)

But we have to stand up for each other. If we don't, who will?
gab fest
2014-10-16 00:30:00 UTC
Organized envy sounds like a fair characterization. But the organization
is small and centered on a few friends and associates of Medina. Then
there are others engaging in opportunistic one-offs on Twitter and
Facebook, at various levels of engagement.

It's far from clear that Morozov has "made a mistake." Everyone admits
there is no plagiarism. The basic problem seems to be that there has
only been one notable book written about Cybersyn, and given that
limitation, it is easy to contend that the topic, the ideas it generates
and the primary sources are the "property" of the author of that work.
When Morozov published an account of his research, and a photograph of
the materials, the response was along the lines of "oh so you ransacked
her bibliography too." It was also later alleged that not only did he
make off with concepts from the work, but that he also failed to steal
the best ones. Twitter forensics, however, have yet to produce one
suspect paraphrase, let alone a verbatim borrowing. It's not like the
Zizek thing.

The melodramatic narratives constructed around his personality aren't
very convincing. He seems resilient and agile, judging by his conference
appearances rather than his Twitter feed.

Maybe it's the odd career arc that's problematic: successful author
first, graduate student second. He got to swing his axe before he ground
it. So it's easy to suggest he's a clumsy ideologue.
That's another trope: he's only seeking an advanced degree to sharpen
his existing biases - as if that's a bad thing.

All of which makes it difficult to critique whatever shortcomings are
actually present in his work.
Post by Geert Lovink
Dear nettimers,
did anyone of you follow this story? What's behind all this? I suppose
Morozov is human and makes mistakes. He is part of the mainstream media
landscape and has to deliver his journalistic pieces in order to stay into
these circles. That's when one starts to make mistakes after a while, I
suppose. As a journalist it would be easier to forgive him copying without
attribution (even though he mentioned the author in this case). The problem
is: Morozov is a very visible public intellectual, a critic, and maybe soon
even an academic (after he has gone through the longish American PhD
ritual). Morozov is the most wellknown and visible net critic, let's face
2014-10-15 17:14:33 UTC
Hello Geert,

I think you've summed it up quite well... I'm not sure there's something more
"behind" this.

Was this plagiarism? I don't think so, if the words are original. But for
the historian, the piece is certainly not bringing enough new material (if
at all...), and does not properly quote its main sources (with insults on top
of that...).

However, for the reader of the magazine, it's an unusual and entertaining
piece, bringing light to a great story, that encourages to learn more.

Morozov has apparently more journalistic talent (flair and writing skills)
than scholarly patience, maybe he should stick to "highbrow journalism".

The first time I came across this story was in a book by Armand Mattelart,
sometime in the early 2000's (it would have been "Histoire de la soci?t? de
l'information"), which mentioned Cybersyn in passing.

I then worked on it in 2010 for a short article [1], and discovered both
Pickering's book and Medina's memoir (the book came out later). Both are
very enjoyable and deeply engaging. Read them.

-- Fil

[1] http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2010/07/RIVIERE/19389 (with hopefully
proper attributions)
Post by Geert Lovink
Dear nettimers,
did anyone of you follow this story? What's behind all this? I suppose
Morozov is human and makes mistakes.
Rob Myers
2014-10-15 18:11:01 UTC
Post by Geert Lovink
Will this scandal be the beginning of his downfall?
Morozov has dealt in second-hand goods since his conversion. I've
never met anyone he's fooled. So I'm not sure what his downfall would
t byfield
2014-10-16 19:17:34 UTC
Post by gab fest
Organized envy sounds like a fair characterization. But the
organization is small and centered on a few friends and associates of
Medina. Then there are others engaging in opportunistic one-offs on
Twitter and Facebook, at various levels of engagement.
First: Morozov should have credited Medina's work more clearly *and* the
fabled editors and fact-checkers of _New Yorker_ should have helped to make
sure he did it right. Having said that...

As books about cybernetics go Medina's was a runaway hit, and with good
reason. She did original and meticulous research in an area that's both
easy and hard to define in that STS sort of way; and on that basis she
*wrote the book*, as they say. Though I wonder about waving this scandal
off as peculiar to a small group.
Post by gab fest
there has only been one notable book written about Cybersyn, and given
that limitation, it is easy to contend that the topic, the ideas it
generates and the primary sources are the "property" of the author of
that work.
But it's easy to do lots of things, so it's worth asking what makes
pillorying Morozov more appealing some other pressing STSish issue (say,
the sociotechnical clusterf-cks fueling ebola).

This kerfuffle says more about the precarious state of academia than it
says about Morozov (or about Medina, for that matter). In a more confident,
optimistic time, it's easy to imagine a lot of publicly collegial
high-fiving about Medina's work making it big and advancing the field's
stature, along with some private finger-wagging about sharing prestige.
Instead, what we got felt more like the resentful, righteous recriminations
of a group that's coping badly with an increasingly marginal status.

The fact that the 'community' in question is extremely articulate doesn't
help much -- if anything, it's a hindrance. They can make incredibly subtle
and detailed arguments about how and why what Morozov did was wrong, and
they can dress up those arguments in all kinds of finery: the young turk
who 'speaks truth to power,' the measured professional who's concerned for
the field, the sanguine ironist, etc. Most of all they can invoke
venerable-sounding categories like 'scholarly norms' to back up their
arguments. But what they can't account for so well is how recent and
provisional these 'norms' are. The fact that they're new helps explain why
they're being asserted so aggressively in this case.

It's a bit like Graeber's argument in _Debt_: academics have the whole
foundation myth backwards. Adapting, summarizing, and occasionally
name-checking are the historical norm in nonfiction across many languages
and centuries. Compendious footnotes that meticulously cite every. single.
page. and. note. of. every. single. source are the novelty. Go to a
bookshelf and pick any widely influential work of nonfiction published in
the humanities or social sciences before, say, the mid-80s -- chances are
you'll find a referential style much closer to Morozov's than his critics'.
That's not universally true. There are fields where you're more likely to
find laborious, constructive documentation: legal-ish commentaries (secular
and religious), philology, biography, maybe mathematics. There are regional
and linguistic differences as well: for example the French were famously
lax, whereas Anglophones tended to approach it more like an exercise in

Again, Morozov should've done a better job of crediting Medina's work, and
everyone should have been more attentive to the gender aspects. But too
many critics have batted around quantitative-lite factoids -- how many
paragraphs, how many mentions, how many years they've been reading the _New
Yorker_, etc. This shows just how much of the kerfuffle boils down to
accounting (and rules-based accounting at that). It's no mystery why. Every
academic knows that citations are the coin of the land and the key to the
kingdom: renewal, promotion, tenure.

If Morozov had typed MEDINA MEDINA MEDINA MEDINA MEDINA, there wouldn't be
a problem. But instead of a twitter-length point like that, we get this
Post by gab fest
As I wrote in my last post: On Twitter, Meryl Alper pointed out that
there is an additional irony: Medina's "work highlights power
imbalances in knowledge production and circulation." The
Medina-Morozov affair is a story of power.
And indeed it is. But if *power* is the real issue, surely there are more
important stories to tell than whether Morozov typed Medina's name enough

(I think "As I wrote in my last post" must be an incantation to ward off
accusations of "self-plagiarism," because the author crossed the "7-10 word
in one sentence" threshold of plagiarism -- as defined in an infographic he
cites, which "Scholars Passed around on Twitter in the Context of the
Medina-Morozov Affair." Seriously.)

*As I said on another mailing list,* Morozov's trajectory through academic
is almost sui generis. That doesn't mean the rules of academic don't apply
to him; but it does mean that we'd do well to take academics belaboring him
about the minutiae of newfound 'norms' with a grain of salt. And trusting
Anglophone academics to define the norms for crediting others is like
trusting oil companies to tell us what normal weather should be. They
can't. Their goals, values, and measures are trapped in an inflationary
spiral with consequences far beyond their field of expertise.

There's also an affirmative reason to question their assumptions as well.
Academic writing is becoming more and more unreadable, and the ever-growing
demands of scholarly apparatus are one of the main mechanisms of that
change. It may illuminate certain points here and there, but the systemic
effect is a sort of 'gravity' that distorts the text. In some fields or
contexts that's necessary, but not in all. If we don't distinguish which is
which, the fields where this kind of scaffolding is new will end up
following the fields where deference to authority -- whether physical or
political fact -- is the norm.

When I first read Morozov's piece I wondered how on earth he could describe
it as "entertaining" -- and wondered if there was a gender aspect to that.
Now I think, if anything, he was trying to do her a favor.

gab fest
2014-10-17 03:37:51 UTC
Post by t byfield
Again, Morozov should've done a better job of crediting Medina's work, and
everyone should have been more attentive to the gender aspects. But too
many critics have batted around quantitative-lite factoids -- how many
paragraphs, how many mentions, how many years they've been reading the _New
Yorker_, etc. This shows just how much of the kerfuffle boils down to
accounting (and rules-based accounting at that). It's no mystery why. Every
academic knows that citations are the coin of the land and the key to the
kingdom: renewal, promotion, tenure. So citations, apart from their
bibliographic function, also have a
employment reviews.
Unlike the purloined letter, which fails to arrive at its intended
destination, and continues in an arterial circulation, unread, the
purloined idea, lacking citation, fails to regress infinitely towards
its real origin, and its genealogy ends prematurely, interrupting its
veinal return. And it is read.
Keith Hart
2014-10-16 20:21:13 UTC
Hi Ted,

Thanks for the best contribution to this thread. I am sure you are right to
emphasise the contradiction between scholasticism and reaching a broader
public. I am convinced that a lot of it was envy of Morozov's public reach
and I too wonder if his apparently perverse career move into the academic
ghetto was also a factor. The idea of baroque commitment to increasingly
involuted forms surely does speak to the deathknell for late academia. My
favourite example is bureaucratic insistence on including ISBN numbers in
lists of our publications when two words in Google gets the reference for
anything. The dialectic feeds itself. You mention the 80s as a watershed,
but footnotes are almost completely absent from anything written before the
40s. Check out Keynes's A Treatise of Money (two volumes), maybe a handful
of notes in the whole thing.


Post by t byfield
Post by gab fest
Organized envy sounds like a fair characterization. But the
organization is small and centered on a few friends and associates of
Medina. Then there are others engaging in opportunistic one-offs on
Twitter and Facebook, at various levels of engagement.
First: Morozov should have credited Medina's work more clearly *and* the
fabled editors and fact-checkers of _New Yorker_ should have helped to make
sure he did it right. Having said that...
2014-10-17 10:30:21 UTC
The Morozov article is indeed very misleading. There is nothing in the
New Yorker headline to indicate that this is anything other that an
article full of the ideas and research by Morozov himself. His passing
reference to the book, The Planning Machine, does little to allay this
inference. By most standards (inside or outside academia) to take credit
for someone else's work in this way is unethical.

It is also true that obsessive bureaucratic procedures to avoid any
inference of plagerism in academia frequently have the effect of
strangling good writing at birth, turning so called rigour into rigor
mortis in all the ways that Ted has described. His -accountancy model-
and its relationship to the well known political economy of academia,
feels spot on.

But at the risk of pedantry its worth remembering what is at stake,
alongside questions of reputation, fairness and plagerism (important
though all these issues are). And that is the long standing principle
of maximising open access to sources just like good documentation in
the other fields of know how with a strong preference for openness.
From a narrow perspective (sorry), waving a flag for the value of
referencing protocols is relevant for anyone championing the cause of
practice led research model being taken seriously in art schools (ie
going beyond a league table ensuring continued funding streams). One
tool in this process is to emphasise how conscientious referencing
protocols can part of the paradigm of artist as researcher. This can be
part of a radical critique of the art and design worlds in they are
currently set up.
Hi Ted,
Thanks for the best contribution to this thread. I am sure you are right to
emphasise the contradiction between scholasticism and reaching a broader
public. I am convinced that a lot of it was envy of Morozov's public reach
and I too wonder if his apparently perverse career move into the academic
ghetto was also a factor. The idea of baroque commitment to increasingly
involuted forms surely does speak to the deathknell for late academia. My
favourite example is bureaucratic insistence on including ISBN numbers in
lists of our publications when two words in Google gets the reference for
anything. The dialectic feeds itself. You mention the 80s as a watershed,
but footnotes are almost completely absent from anything written before the
40s. Check out Keynes's A Treatise of Money (two volumes), maybe a handful
of notes in the whole thing.


d a v i d g a r c i a
Brian Holmes
2014-10-17 16:44:09 UTC
This post might be inappropriate. Click to display it.
gab fest
2014-10-17 23:53:09 UTC
Post by d.garcia
The Morozov article is indeed very misleading. There is nothing in the
New Yorker headline to indicate that this is anything other that an
article full of the ideas and research by Morozov himself.
A headline does not usually have a dual function as a footnote, although
that's an interesting concept: the proposition that an essay's head
should eat its tail. That sort of circularity would surely promote good

There's been a good deal of theorizing about comment counts, likes and
mentions. Is there anything out there which relates that familiar type
of networked social accountancy to academic citation? Zero Footnotes?
Post by d.garcia
It is also true that obsessive bureaucratic procedures to avoid any
inference of plagerism in academia frequently have the effect of
strangling good writing at birth, turning so called rigour into rigor
mortis in all the ways that Ted has described. His -accountancy model-
and its relationship to the well known political economy of academia,
feels spot on.
John Young
2014-10-17 21:47:24 UTC
The New Yorker's dandy Eustace Tilley embodied highbrow journalism.


Haughtily disdaining on the cover annually lowbrow "rigorous
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fact_checker>fact checking
and <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyediting>copyediting, its
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journalism>journalism on politics and
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_issues>social issues, and its
single-panel <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartoon>cartoons sprinkled
throughout each issue."
David Mandl
2014-10-19 15:53:46 UTC
It seems clear that the New Yorker is no longer home of the best fact-checking/copyediting humankind can achieve.

When they started a blog as a separate entity from the magazine I heard writer and editor friends complain about errors all the time. It had very different (i.e., lower) standards than the official magazine. But recently it seems they've been letting things slip at the magazine itself. I gloated to a few friends about finding a fairly blatant music error a couple of years back (the equivalent of disproving the Theory of Relativity, I thought), and they said, "So what? I recently found a couple of mistakes too." I sent the magazine a message about the mistake I found and they either never read it or didn't care, because the article was never corrected.*

Things are bad all over, as the old saying goes.


* The mistake was in naming the band who recorded the song "Teach Your Children," cited in their big Grateful Dead article because Jerry Garcia played on it. I'll leave this as an exercise for the reader.
Post by John Young
The New Yorker's dandy Eustace Tilley embodied highbrow journalism.

Dave Mandl
Web: http://dmandl.tumblr.com/
Twitter: @dmandl
Instagram: dmandl
John Hopkins
2014-10-19 19:01:10 UTC
Post by David Mandl
It seems clear that the New Yorker is no longer home of the best
fact-checking/copyediting humankind can achieve.
It takes time and energy to impose order on a system. Clearly many many segments
of the 'developed world' are manifesting the inevitable decrease in the energy
available to maintain their own order. This is not unrelated to decaying
bridges, pot-holed roads, a medical system that cannot organize itself to deal
with emergencies, problems with ones local cable internet provider, etc etc etc.
Those with money can purchase the extra energy by proxy, the rest are left on a
downward slide. While I'm sure there are not a few Wall Street types who still
read the NY'er, it's 'demise' also evidences a shrinking power base in the wider
social system...
Post by David Mandl
When they started a blog as a separate entity from the magazine I heard
writer and editor friends complain about errors all the time. It had very
The complexity of web-publishing versus print may have drained the organizations
vitality. I just spent two months prepping a small print magazine for a rather
simple Wordpress deployment. It was a clear example -- they were perfectly
capable of dealing with their print existence, and were doing quite well with
that; but the added complexity of a web deployment stretched them to the limits
-- simply being organized enough to make sure of file naming conventions as
content migrated from print to web was overwhelming for them...
Post by David Mandl
Things are bad all over, as the old saying goes.
This is repeated along the slippery slope of Imperial decline...

so it goes.

Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
grounded on a granite batholith
twitter: @neoscenes
gab fest
2014-10-20 02:14:04 UTC
Post by John Hopkins
Post by David Mandl
It seems clear that the New Yorker is no longer home of the best
fact-checking/copyediting humankind can achieve.
It takes time and energy to impose order on a system. Clearly many many
segments of the 'developed world' are manifesting the inevitable decrease
in the energy available to maintain their own order.
Or, the perceived decline in fact-checking could rather be the result of
a continued ascendance of the formal rituals of accountancy which t
bytfield mentioned, combined with a networked innundation of "facts."

Geert Lovink
2014-10-20 06:38:36 UTC
I noticed that too Brian, and acknowledge him for that! Well done. But
then? this is all about a network, a context, community & attribution.
Maybe we do not need anything like that. Keith is right about that.
Good theory and criticism does not need that at all. As long as it
hits, and hurts. Our group Adilkno was fun, and lasted for a good 15
years as a group (1984-2000). Luther has been inactive for a while,
isn't it? The original Italian group stopped using the name long time
ago? Geert

On 17 Oct 2014, at 6:44 PM, Brian Holmes
Post by Brian Holmes
What I'm wondering is, where is Luther Blissett in all this? Now
there's a guy who was interested in the ideas, not the authors.
There's a guy (but it was also a girl) who really knew how to
But... But... But... it's dawning on me! We misunderestimated him!
Evgeny Morozov is a pseudo! It was Luther all along! Blissettology
is not dead!
Geert, take heart. Some real net.critique finally made it -
undercover of course - into the New Yorker.
Geert Lovink
2014-10-20 06:43:47 UTC
Liking and liking and quoting and responding is something one does
as part of a libidinous txt economy. It is circulating desire. If
it becomes a must, an obligation, people stop doing it over night.
In today's like economy you never quote or link to your enemy or
competitor or rival (or give it a name). That's all too human. Not
hard to understand. And this is why the whole Google search logic
is fundamentally fraud. An epistimological mistake. If you want to
downgrade your foe, ignore, that's the real law of the cyber economy.

Ciao, Geert
Post by gab fest
Post by d.garcia
The Morozov article is indeed very misleading. There is nothing in
the New Yorker headline to indicate that this is anything other
that an article full of the ideas and research by Morozov himself.
A headline does not usually have a dual function as a footnote,
although that's an interesting concept: the proposition that an
essay's head should eat its tail. That sort of circularity would
surely promote good circulation.